Student Services

Triton学院的个人成长理念以当前的学生发展理论为前提,并假设负责任的学生渴望在情感上成为更完整的人, intellectually 和 physically. 学生服务办公室提供一系列学生支持服务,帮助学生追求社会, cultural 和 professional development.

Dean of 学生

The Dean of 学生 oversees 咨询 & Wellness Support Services学生生活学生生活. In addition, the Dean’s office oversees the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) 和 h和les matters related to student conduct. 

Office Location:

Dean of 学生
b - 240房间
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3865

Johnny Urbina
Director of Student Services
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3815


Triton College Project Success ECMC Emergency 援助 Program


Emergency 援助 Program

Triton学院很高兴地宣布我们参加了项目成功ECMC紧急援助计划. ECMC紧急援助计划旨在支持学生通过移除证书和/或学位完成的持久性 不可预见的 financial obstacles from their path, which if not resolved quickly, could cause students to ab和on their plans for higher education. Full 和 part-time students, including dual enrollment students, 在整个项目期间是否有资格获得总计500美元的经济援助.  学生有资格获得经济援助,以支付不可预见的费用,包括, but not limited to, 公用事业公司, 住房/租金, 食物, medical/dental, transportation, 照顾孩子, 等. 

项目限制不允许资金用于学费等学校开支, 书, 供应, required tools/equipment or fines.  Funds cannot pay off prior balances owed to the College.  Monies cannot be paid directly to the student.  The funds are paid to the third party involved (e.g.,牙科诊所紧急拔牙)或通过礼品卡(如.g., 食物 from Jewel-Osco). 


Contact Johnny Urbina, Director of Student Services, to set up an appointment to begin the application process.  His contact information is as follows:

Johnny Urbina
2000 Fifth Ave./River Grove, IL 60171
708-456-0300 Ext. 3815

Once you meet with Johnny Urbina to determine eligibility, he will send you the link to apply for the emergency aid program.

In addition to a completed online application, 学生还必须上传证明他们需要经济援助的文件(如.g., quote from dentist office).  Incomplete applications cannot be considered.

一旦学生与约翰尼·乌尔比纳见面并完成在线申请, 学生将在两个工作日内收到紧急援助申请是否被批准的通知.

款项将于申请获批后两个工作天内发放.  In other words, the entire process of applying for, gaining approval, 和 fund distribution will take no longer than 4 business days.  这个时间框架是基于学生完成上述步骤1和2.

Please contact Johnny Urbina, Director of Student Services, if you have any further questions.

Eligible criteria:

  • Be enrolled part-time or full-time 在申请援助时的证书或副学士学位课程.
  • 有一个 GPA 2.0或更大 at the time of application approval. New students are exempt from this criterion.
  • Complete the online application 由ECMC提供,并上载财务需要的证明文件(如.e., required uninsured medical treatment, automotive repair estimate, 关于住房或水电费意外变化的书面通知).
  • After being awarded,通过Decision Partners在线平台完成所需的金融教育课程.
  • 通过这个项目获得紧急援助费用, not to exceed $500 during the life of the aid program.
  • 在发放紧急援助资金的学期内入学.
  • 有权使用紧急援助资金,而不期望偿还.
  • The emergency is due to an 不可预见的 circumstance.


Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

特里顿学院致力于提供一个支持性、安全性和热情的大学环境.  行为干预小组(BIT)是主动解决学生行为问题的主要资源,这些问题可能导致伤害自己或他人的风险, or behaviors that significantly disrupt the learning environment. 学生服务主任是行为干预小组的主席.

校园 Safety & Behavioral Intervention


How to File a Complaint

学院提供各种正式投诉程序的途径, depending on the nature of your concern or complaint.

如果你对安全有直接的担忧,请联系特里顿学院警察局 (708) 456-6911

If you are concerned regarding a community member’s behavior, 你可以在网上报告你的担忧,它将被发送给相应的学院工作人员进行审查. This is where you can also report concerns about other students, including disruptive behavior or violations of College rules. 你应该向学院报告的事情包括:

  • 他人妨碍你去上课或学习的行为
  • Theft or v和alism
  • Harassment, stalking, fighting
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Weapons or threats

即使你不确定你是否应该报告一些事情, you are encouraged to err on the side of caution. 学院培训了专业人员,他们可以评估这些报告并采取适当的行动.

如果您是任何人的性或基于性别的不当行为的受害者,请查看 大学的骚扰,歧视和性行为不端(标题IX)信息,你也可以在这里提交有关性骚扰/不当行为的报告. Our first concern is for your safety 和 well-being, 但我们也鼓励你根据你想要的结果向学校和/或警察提出正式投诉.

If the complaint pertains to a faculty or staff member's decision, 您可以按照学生投诉流程(如果涉及学术问题),概述在第31页 Student H和book.

请注意,这个过程要求您首先与您有顾虑的教师或工作人员及时进行对话. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, 您可以向主席提供您的书面投诉和您寻求的解决方案, 协调员, or Director of the department. You may also request a meeting with that individual. If you are not satisfied with that response, 您可以继续以书面形式向该领域的院长投诉.

如果你已经用尽了校园投诉选项,你仍然有投诉, you can file a complaint with the Illinois Board of Higher Education.


Student H和book

卫的 Student H和book is an all in one guide for campus information. 这本有用的书将作为你在Triton项目中的向导, 服务, departments 和 so much more on campus.

This book includes the following:

  • Alphabetic listing of campus information
  • Emergency Response Guide
  • Board Policies 和 Procedures
  • Triton College Student Association Bylaws 和 Constitution
  • Additional student based information


Student Conduct Forms 和 Documents

Student Conduct Forms 和 Documents:
